There are several ways that ShopFloorConnect can automatically interact with your existing business software.
At the heart of ShopFloorConnect is the Microsoft SQL database - one of the most commonly used formats in the world. Once collected, any of the information in ShopFloorConnect's database is available to other systems, and can be directly accessed using any standard method - SQL queries, ASP, ODBC, etc.
ShopFloorConnect API
ShopFloorConnect has an Application Program Interface (API) for sharing job information with other software. The ShopFloorConnect API is a web service-based two-way communication protocol that enables ShopFloorConnect to receive manufacturing job schedule information (such as job and part numbers, quantity of parts required, due dates, etc) from your ERP or MES software.
ShopFloorConnect API Overview (White Paper - .PDF - 157K)
As jobs are run and completed, ShopFloorConnect has an Event Notification Service that reports the results back to the ERP/MES software - including data such as job end time, number of good and scrap parts produced, etc.
The API enables your external software to add jobs, update job requirements, cancel jobs, or move jobs from one work center to another. The manufacturing schedule can be updated or even completely replaced by your ERP/MES software at any time, in real time.
We also feature CSV-to-API translator that enables you to update the ShopFloorConnect production schedule using formatted .CSV files.